Sam, E, and I got an early start to Arches National Park this morning. We made it to the first trailhead around 7:30. (Shocker, D decided to keep sleeping and not join us on our early morning venture.) Our first hike was to delicate arch. That’s the arch that’s on the Utah license plate. It’s about 1.5 miles from the Trail head to the arch. The parking lot was maybe 1/3 full when we started. It was nearly full when we finished. Very glad that we did that hike before it got too hot. It reminded me a lot of hiking Stone Mountain.
Our second hike was all the way at the end of Arches national Park, in Devils Garden. All of Devils Garden Trail is over 7 miles long. So we just made it to landscape arch, about 2 miles in, before we turned around.
Pine Tree Arch Tunnel Arch Landscape Arch Landscape Arch Maybe we got E up too early
Sam remembered the time where he was passing through Moab in his youth and stopped to play a game of golf. So in an effort to relive his youth, he played again this afternoon at the same course. Looks like a pretty place to play…but a pretty precarious lie.
What We're Eating:
Breakfast: Banana, iced coffee, nut bars
Lunch: leftover pizza
Dinner: Tortollini with sausage
Temperatures: 67 when we started hiking, 75 when we got done with the landscape arch, and 85 by the time we made it back to the house. Not a cloud in the sky.